Star Sailor Energy Paradigm changing technologies, eliminating intermittency in renewables.
Power for renewable, sustainable infrastructures.
The ideal wind turbine & the future of renewable energy. |
Patented technologies and products eliminating intermittency in renewables, building resiliency. Impossible Machines™:
Where innovation meets the future.
Impossible Machines™ based on the field of Intelligent Mechatronics™, invented by Star Sailor Energy founder Dr. Pamela Menges, is the revolution in advanced materials and AI that changes the paradigm for renewable energy and the way we power machines and the planet.
Powering sustainable infrastructures and deploying resilient and cybersecure Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
Star Sailor products and technologies are advancing safety and security in interconnected technologies. |
At the Forefront of American Innovation
New ways of powering vehicles, robots and data.
And 24/7-renewable energy. Star Sailor has revolutionized the idea of transformable structures based on the science of mechatronics, advanced materials and shape memory alloys integrated with advanced AI.
Star Sailor patented technologies offer a future without chemical batteries, and 24/7 renewables eliminating intermittency in wind and solar.
No wind, no problem.
Star Sailor Energy's wind turbine products produce energy even without wind. New technology in advanced materials eliminates intermittency and changes the storage paradigm.
Current applications: - 24/7-Wind, On-Demand Module generating electricity with no or low-wind.
- Energy harvesting robotics & motorless motion replacing servos & motors.
- Soft-Robotics advancing adaptive and configurable interfaces.
- Combined Heat & Power (CHP) harvesting thermal energy and providing new approaches to thermal management in solar concentrators. |
Carbon Zero Pledge™:
Building better through innovation
InfiNiti Generator™
The Ideal Wind Turbine
Renewable Hybrid Power
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Terms & Conditions All intellectual property rights such as trademarks, service marks, trade names, designs and copyrights are reserved.
Nothing contained in this website may be reproduced without written permission. Aerospace Research Systems
reserves the right at all times to modify the technology and products featured in the present website.
Impossible Machines™ is a trademark of Star Sailor Energy, Inc. . |